Equity Grants to Boost Learning

Increase Student Outcomes with No Extra Work

We know that tight budgets and short staffing make it hard to launch new programs, particularly in highly impacted districts. The Equity Grant makes launching your ParentPowered family engagement program easy by covering a big part of the first 1, 2, or 3 years of partnership costs. Setup takes only a few minutes, and the program requires no staff time

For additional information, schedule a call with a local expert or view the FAQ

Equity Grant Award Levels

ParentPowered is deeply committed to serving economically disadvantaged families. That’s why we’re proud to offer qualifying organizations an Equity Grant to implement our family engagement program.  We want to ensure our high quality family curriculum is available in every community.

Schools, Districts, and Community Based Organizations with 80% or more of their students eligible for free and reduced price lunch qualify for the maximum award levels. Awards for other organizations are based on percentage of economically disadvantaged families served, with awards up to:

Tier 1

Commit to implementing ParentPowered for

1 year

Program Fees Covered:
50% of fees

Tier 2

Commit to implementing Ready4K for

2 years 

Program Fees Covered:
50% of year 1
25% of year 2

Tier 3

Commit to implementing Ready4K for

3 years 

Program Fees Covered:
50% of year 1
50% of year 2
50% of year 3


Reach all families with fun, easy ways to add strengths-based learning into everyday routines


Deliver useful insights directly into families' hands. No forms, phone calls, or visits required.


Provide evidence-based curriculum to families. Shown to increase growth by 2+ months.

Equity Grant Application Process

The ParentPowered Equity Grant represents a unique opportunity for organizations serving children from birth through 12th grade to provide one of our three evidence-based programs to their families.

Recipients of the grant will receive significant financial and implementation support for up to three years. Grant recipients are responsible for funding the balance of the program not covered by the grant.

Awards are made on a first come, first served basis. Grant awards do not obligate the applicant to accept the grant.

What to Expect After Submitting Your Application

A program expert will follow up within 3 business days with details about your grant award. If you have additional questions about the grant, please view the FAQ here, or contact us at info@parentpowered.com.