SEL Strategies to Help Students Navigate Hard Moments in School and at Home

Learn How to Partner with Families to Support Student Mental Health

Nurture Student and Family Mental Health & Wellbeing

Strong school-family partnerships can play a key role in nurturing student emotional health. With ParentPowered Family Engagement Programs you can effortlessly provide families with tips to build their childrens’ social-emotional skills, strategies for their own self-care, and connections to resources.

Our strengths-based weekly text messages are a simple, low-lift way to improve student wellbeing, boost attendance, increase student engagement, and enhance academic achievement.

Learn more about how ParentPowered can improve student outcomes from birth–high school.

Continue Your Learning!

Research, Resources, and More Strategies

Use this handy guide for a quick overview of the topics covered in the webinar and to access many free resources.